Fortero: your secret weapon to
reclaim a full and healthy head of hair

One thing is for sure: men hate losing their hair.

It doesn’t matter that it’s a natural occurrence.

And it doesn’t matter that some find it “distinguished.”

It’s a telltale sign of old age and poor genes, and it’s no secret that a bald head is seen as less attractive, less healthy and less masculine in our culture today.

For millions of men, the start of baldness signifies the beginning of the end.

A slow creep into the depths and despair of being a senior citizen.

It affects everything: from a guy’s libido, to his social value, to the perceptions he earns in his professional life.

And women form opinions too, that goes without saying…

That’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to develop shampoo that actively cleanses the scalp and pores, reviving and reopening hair follicles to jumpstart growth.

It’s not magic.

It’s cold, hard science, and we welcome you to be our next success story.

Only Micro-Bubble Shampoo from Fortero Can Help You Restore Your hair to its Former Glory

At Fortero we know how hard it is to come to terms with losing your hair. With Fortero you can look as young as you feel inside.

What Makes Fortero So Effective

With Fortero, carbonic acid shampoo and our 5% minoxidil solution work together to bring back hair.

The first matter of business is clearing the waxy sebum from deep within hair follicles. When painlessly blasted clean by Fortero, the follicles can function as normal, receiving nutrients as normal growth and shine return.

Then we introduce the most globally recognized hair loss recuperator, minoxidil, as a proven way to encourage hair growth as the body instantly restarts its natural processes.

Return Your Head to its Former Glory
And Achieve Your Forever Hair

Nothing stings a man like knowing he’s “past his prime.” Even the most confident guys take a hit when they notice clump after clump of hair in the shower drain.

But no longer does that man in the mirror have to be a sorry, aging shell of his former self. Now, it’s more than “possible” to wind back the clock of hair health – it’s inevitable!

Fortero offers a 3-part attack: the carbonic acid shampoo/conditioner, biotin gummy and minoxidil topical solution all combine for a synergistic effect that reawakes the hair growth process on all parts of the scalp.

A vibrant, youthful YOU can return, with hair thicker and fuller than ever. Try Fortero to begin your hair revival journey and seize the luscious head of hair that’s been missing in action for far too long.